Imagery Offset Database

Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

29th of June

Caconog in Brasil: Ilha do Arvoredo BING
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Santa Catarina, Região Sul, Brasil

An imagery offset of 2.1 m
Imagery: bing
Created by Caconog on 2023-06-29
Ilha do Arvoredo BING
Argbjorn in საქართველო: Georgia, Kutaisi
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შოთა რუსთაველის გამზირი, მეფესუთუბანი, ქალაქ-მუზეუმი, ქუთაისი, იმერეთი, 4602, საქართველო

An imagery offset of 3.2 m
Imagery: bing
Created by Argbjorn on 2023-06-29
Georgia, Kutaisi
Argbjorn in საქართველო: Georgia, Kutaisi
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შოთა რუსთაველის გამზირი, მეფესუთუბანი, ქალაქ-მუზეუმის ადმინისტრაციული ერთეული, ქუთაისი, იმერეთი, 4602, საქართველო

An imagery offset of 3.7 m
Created by Argbjorn on 2023-06-29
Georgia, Kutaisi
SGorskiy in Россия: Дегтярск. По GPS
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улица Калинина, Дегтярск, городской округ Дегтярск, Свердловская область, Уральский федеральный округ, 623270, Россия

An imagery offset of 2.6 m
Created by SGorskiy on 2023-06-29
Дегтярск. По GPS
hegedusferenc hegedusferenc in Magyarország: Geometries_fixed_based_on_gps_traces
Szent István tér, Kerekegyháza, Kecskeméti járás, Bács-Kiskun vármegye, Dél-Alföld, Alföld és Észak, 6041, Magyarország

An imagery offset of 5.3 m
Imagery: bing
Created by hegedusferenc on 2018-04-16

Deprecated by hegedusferenc on 2023-06-29

28th of June

Domkot_Free in Україна: Новосілки по Страві
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Верхівка, Підгайцівська сільська громада, Луцький район, Волинська область, 35110, Україна

An imagery offset of 3.1 m
Created by Domkot_Free on 2023-06-28
Новосілки по Страві
whalerich in Россия: Новоуральский
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Тихвинка — Новоуральский — Пристанское, Новоуральский, Новоуральское сельское поселение, Таврический район, Омская область, Сибирский федеральный округ, Россия

An imagery offset of 5.6 m
Created by whalerich on 2023-06-28

26th of June

SGorskiy in Россия: Зелёный лог
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Подъезд к п. Зелёный Лог от км 39+130 а/д «г. Екатеринбург — г. Полевской», Зелёный Лог, Полевской городской округ, Свердловская область, Уральский федеральный округ, Россия

An imagery offset of 9.2 m
Created by SGorskiy on 2023-06-26
Зелёный лог
literan in Россия: Дорохово
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Московская улица, Дорохово, Рузский городской округ, Московская область, Центральный федеральный округ, 143160, Россия

An imagery offset of 3.6 m
Created by literan on 2023-06-26

24th of June

JassKurn in United Kingdom: OSMUK Cadastal - Devon - East Budleigh
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Wynards Close, East Budleigh, East Devon, Devon, England, EX9 7ET, United Kingdom

An imagery offset of 1.3 m
Imagery: bing
Created by JassKurn on 2023-06-24
OSMUK Cadastal - Devon - East Budleigh

23rd of June

danik1988 in Oʻzbekiston: esri new uzb
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4Р1в, Yashnobod Tumani, Toshkent, 100000, Oʻzbekiston

An imagery offset of 1.6 m
Created by danik1988 on 2023-06-23
esri new uzb

21st of June

TheSwavu in Australia: Roundabout at corner of Crusader Road and Forever Boulevard
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Banksia Grove, City Of Wanneroo, Western Australia, Australia

A calibration polygon
Created by TheSwavu on 2023-06-21
Roundabout at corner of Crusader Road and Forever Boulevard

20th of June

danik1988 in Oʻzbekiston: мост чирчик
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4Р12, Yangiqo'rg'on, Yuqorichirchiq Tumani, 701000, Oʻzbekiston

An imagery offset of 3.3 m
Created by danik1988 on 2023-06-20
мост чирчик
Wright One in 中国: Hong Kong International Airport (west)
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大澳 Tai O, 離島區 Islands District, 新界 New Territories, 香港 Hong Kong, 中国

A calibration polygon
Created by Wright One on 2023-06-20
Hong Kong International Airport (west)
Wright One in 中国: Hong Kong International Airport (west)
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大澳 Tai O, 離島區 Islands District, 新界 New Territories, 香港 Hong Kong, 中国

An imagery offset of 1.4 m
Created by Wright One on 2023-06-20
Hong Kong International Airport (west)
literan literan in Россия: ошибочное
«Холмогоры», городской округ Переславль-Залесский, Ярославская область, Центральный федеральный округ, 150540, Россия

An imagery offset of 2.2 m
Created by literan on 2023-06-20
Переславль - север

Deprecated by literan on 2023-06-20
Wright One Wright One in 中国: Imagery updated
暢達路 Cheong Tat Road, 赤鱲角 Chek Lap Kok, 離島區 Islands District, 新界 New Territories, 香港 Hong Kong, 中国

An imagery offset of 4.9 m
Created by Wright One on 2022-06-25
Hong Kong International Airport

Deprecated by Wright One on 2023-06-20
Imagery updated
Enock4seth Enock4seth in Ghana: Don't use! @Sammyhawkrad's offset name Sekondi fits best in both Takoradi and Sekondi with GPS traces and known exisiting data
Liberation Road, Dixcove Hill, Takoradi, Sekondi Takoradi Metropolitan District, Western Region, Ghana

An imagery offset of 5.2 m
Created by Enock4seth on 2022-04-15

Deprecated by Enock4seth on 2023-06-20
Don't use! @Sammyhawkrad's offset name Sekondi fits best in both Takoradi and Sekondi with GPS traces and known exisiting data
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