Hartree Way, Grange Farm, Kesgrave, East Suffolk, Suffolk, England, IP5 2HS, United Kingdom
An imagery offset of 0.8 m
Imagery: bing Created by rozwellUK on 2022-04-15 Aligned to fence around Computer commemoration monument at Grange Farm, Kesgrave
Sammyhawkrad in Ghana: Wa Technical Institute area
Konta, Wa, Wa Municipal District, Upper West Region, Ghana
An imagery offset of 3.9 m
Imagery: services.digitalglobe.com/earthservice/tmsaccess/tms/1.0.0/DigitalGlobe:ImageryTileService@EPSG:3857@jpg Created by Sammyhawkrad on 2022-04-15 Wa Technical Institute area
821. Sokak, Akarca, Akarca Mahallesi, Fethiye, Muğla, Ege Bölgesi, 48518, Türkiye
An imagery offset of 4.8 m
Imagery: services.digitalglobe.com/earthservice/tmsaccess/tms/1.0.0/DigitalGlobe:ImageryTileService@EPSG:3857@jpg Created by Hind on 2022-04-15 MMM Migros
rozwellUK rozwellUK in United Kingdom: not aligned
891/1. Sokak, Akarca, Akarca Mahallesi, Fethiye, Muğla, Ege Bölgesi, 48518, Türkiye
An imagery offset of 4.3 m
Imagery: services.digitalglobe.com/earthservice/tmsaccess/tms/1.0.0/DigitalGlobe:ImageryTileService@EPSG:3857@jpg Created by Hind on 2022-04-14 Birds sanctuary
Takpo, Nadowli-Kaleo District, Upper West Region, Ghana
An imagery offset of 2.8 m
Imagery: services.digitalglobe.com/earthservice/tmsaccess/tms/1.0.0/DigitalGlobe:ImageryTileService@EPSG:3857@jpg Created by Sammyhawkrad on 2022-04-14 Takpo
4-й Садовый тупик, Родник, Хабарное, городской округ Новотроицк, Оренбургская область, Приволжский федеральный округ, 462372, Россия
An imagery offset of 6.9 m
Imagery: services.digitalglobe.com/earthservice/tmsaccess/tms/1.0.0/DigitalGlobe:ImageryTileService@EPSG:3857@jpg Created by П3тр0виЧъ on 2022-04-14 2022.04.14
13th of April
Hind in Türkiye: Mustafa Kemal Bulvarı x Yunus Nadi Caddesi
Mustafa Kemal Bulvarı, Akarca, Akarca Mahallesi, Fethiye, Muğla, Ege Bölgesi, 48518, Türkiye
An imagery offset of 3.9 m
Imagery: services.digitalglobe.com/earthservice/tmsaccess/tms/1.0.0/DigitalGlobe:ImageryTileService@EPSG:3857@jpg Created by Hind on 2022-04-13 Mustafa Kemal Bulvarı x Yunus Nadi Caddesi
Kaleo, Nadowli-Kaleo District, Upper West Region, Ghana
An imagery offset of 1.6 m
Imagery: services.digitalglobe.com/earthservice/tmsaccess/tms/1.0.0/DigitalGlobe:ImageryTileService@EPSG:3857@jpg Created by Sammyhawkrad on 2022-04-13 Kaleo
Комсомольская улица, Курганинск, Курганинское городское поселение, Курганинский район, Краснодарский край, Южный федеральный округ, 352430, Россия
An imagery offset of 8.7 m
Imagery: services.digitalglobe.com/earthservice/tmsaccess/tms/1.0.0/DigitalGlobe:ImageryTileService@EPSG:3857@jpg Created by loir on 2022-04-12 Курганинск
Civcili Ahmet Ağa Meydanı, Foça, Foça Mahallesi, Fethiye, Muğla, Ege Bölgesi, Türkiye
An imagery offset of 5.3 m
Imagery: services.digitalglobe.com/earthservice/tmsaccess/tms/1.0.0/DigitalGlobe:ImageryTileService@EPSG:3857@jpg Created by Hind on 2022-04-11 Civcili Ahmet Ağa Meydanı
Усть-Заостровка, Усть-Заостровское сельское поселение, Омский район, Омская область, Сибирский федеральный округ, Россия
An imagery offset of 2.8 m
Imagery: services.digitalglobe.com/earthservice/tmsaccess/tms/1.0.0/DigitalGlobe:ImageryTileService@EPSG:3857@jpg Created by whalerich on 2022-04-11 Усть-Заостровка
Ново-Садовая улица, Октябрьский район, Самара, городской округ Самара, Самарская область, Приволжский федеральный округ, 443028, Россия
An imagery offset of 3.0 m
Imagery: services.digitalglobe.com/earthservice/tmsaccess/tms/1.0.0/DigitalGlobe:ImageryTileService@EPSG:3857@jpg Created by DeKaN on 2022-02-13 maxar premium 2021 postnikov ovrag
Deprecated by DeKaN on 2022-04-11 incorrect
10th of April
GuyPa in السودان: https://tasks.hotosm.org/projects/11682/map/?editor=JOSM
An imagery offset of 4.4 m
Imagery: msf-uk.github.io/missingmaps-imagery/SDN_Kassala2_P1B_27Aug2021_TMS Created by GuyPa on 2022-04-10 https://tasks.hotosm.org/projects/11682/map/?editor=JOSM
GuyPa in السودان: https://tasks.hotosm.org/projects/11682/map/?editor=JOSM
An imagery offset of 1.4 m
Imagery: msf-uk.github.io/missingmaps-imagery/SDN_Kassala2_P1B_27Aug2021_TMS Created by GuyPa on 2022-04-10 https://tasks.hotosm.org/projects/11682/map/?editor=JOSM
GuyPa in السودان: https://tasks.hotosm.org/projects/11682/map/?editor=JOSM
An imagery offset of 4.6 m
Imagery: msf-uk.github.io/missingmaps-imagery/SDN_Kassala2_P1B_27Aug2021_TMS Created by GuyPa on 2022-04-10 https://tasks.hotosm.org/projects/11682/map/?editor=JOSM
axxe in United Kingdom: North Newton Abbot - Maxar imagery 20220410
Badger Lane, Knowles Hill, Newton Abbot, Highweek, Teignbridge, Devon, England, TQ12 6WT, United Kingdom
An imagery offset of 6.8 m
Imagery: services.digitalglobe.com/earthservice/tmsaccess/tms/1.0.0/DigitalGlobe:ImageryTileService@EPSG:3857@jpg Created by axxe on 2022-04-10 North Newton Abbot - Maxar imagery 20220410
GuyPa in Malawi: https://tasks.hotosm.org/projects/10855/map/?editor=JOSM
An imagery offset of 6.9 m
Imagery: services.digitalglobe.com/earthservice/tmsaccess/tms/1.0.0/DigitalGlobe:ImageryTileService@EPSG:3857@jpg Created by GuyPa on 2022-04-10 https://tasks.hotosm.org/projects/10855/map/?editor=JOSM
896. Sokak, Akarca, Akarca Mahallesi, Fethiye, Muğla, Ege Bölgesi, 48518, Türkiye
An imagery offset of 3.9 m
Imagery: services.digitalglobe.com/earthservice/tmsaccess/tms/1.0.0/DigitalGlobe:ImageryTileService@EPSG:3857@jpg Created by Hind on 2022-04-10 MMM Migros
Yerguzlar Caddesi, Foça, Foça Mahallesi, Fethiye, Muğla, Ege Bölgesi, 48518, Türkiye
An imagery offset of 4.2 m
Imagery: services.digitalglobe.com/earthservice/tmsaccess/tms/1.0.0/DigitalGlobe:ImageryTileService@EPSG:3857@jpg Created by Hind on 2022-04-10 Zayra restaurant
50К-24, Обь, городской округ Обь, Новосибирская область, Сибирский федеральный округ, 633102, Россия
An imagery offset of 7.7 m
Imagery: services.digitalglobe.com/earthservice/tmsaccess/tms/1.0.0/DigitalGlobe:ImageryTileService@EPSG:3857@jpg Created by VlIvYur on 2022-04-09 Кольцо у а/п Толмачёво
An imagery offset of 2.7 m
Imagery: clarity.maptiles.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/World_Imagery/MapServer/tile Created by blkatbyhh on 2022-04-08 esri_hust
улица Победы, Некрасовский, Дмитровский городской округ, Московская область, Центральный федеральный округ, 141865, Россия
An imagery offset of 3.5 m
Imagery: services.digitalglobe.com/earthservice/tmsaccess/tms/1.0.0/DigitalGlobe:ImageryTileService@EPSG:3857@jpg Created by muhomor41k on 2022-04-08 Nekrasovsky
улица Войнова, Пошехонье, Пошехонский район, Ярославская область, Центральный федеральный округ, 152850, Россия
An imagery offset of 5.7 m
Imagery: services.digitalglobe.com/earthservice/tmsaccess/tms/1.0.0/DigitalGlobe:ImageryTileService@EPSG:3857@jpg Created by iamste on 2022-04-08 Пошехонье Maxar
hogwashburrito in United Kingdom: New Bing offset based on Way 968228144 and Cadastral Parcels.
An imagery offset of 1.1 m
Imagery: services.digitalglobe.com/earthservice/tmsaccess/tms/1.0.0/DigitalGlobe:ImageryTileService@EPSG:3857@jpg Created by hapnait on 2022-04-08 บ.กะทิ ฮ่อง โนนดั่ง ปราสาท
Deprecated by hapnait on 2022-04-08 newer imagery, got moved compare to gps traces
hapnait hapnait in ประเทศไทย: newer imagery, got moved compare to gps traces
An imagery offset of 2.6 m
Imagery: services.digitalglobe.com/earthservice/tmsaccess/tms/1.0.0/DigitalGlobe:ImageryTileService@EPSG:3857@jpg Created by hapnait on 2022-03-10 บ.กระทิ ฮ่อง ปราสาท โนนดั่ง
Deprecated by hapnait on 2022-04-08 newer imagery, got moved compare to gps traces
hapnait hapnait in ประเทศไทย: newer imagery, got moved compare to gps traces
An imagery offset of 4.0 m
Imagery: services.digitalglobe.com/earthservice/tmsaccess/tms/1.0.0/DigitalGlobe:ImageryTileService@EPSG:3857@jpg Created by hapnait on 2022-03-04 บ้านกอเลา ระหุ่ง ศาลา
Deprecated by hapnait on 2022-04-08 newer imagery, got moved compare to gps traces
Большаковская улица, Залесье, Полесский муниципальный округ, Калининградская область, Северо-Западный федеральный округ, Россия
An imagery offset of 6.2 m
Imagery: services.digitalglobe.com/earthservice/tmsaccess/tms/1.0.0/DigitalGlobe:ImageryTileService@EPSG:3857@jpg Created by sleemp on 2022-04-07 Залесье, gps
улица Восстания, Литейный округ, Санкт-Петербург, Северо-Западный федеральный округ, 191000, Россия
An imagery offset of 6.6 m
Imagery: services.digitalglobe.com/earthservice/tmsaccess/tms/1.0.0/DigitalGlobe:ImageryTileService@EPSG:3857@jpg Created by Ivan Barsukov on 2022-04-07 Площадь восстания