Imagery Offset Database

3rd of January

Ro Sun in नेपाल: Thamel Kathmandu: Bing
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Tridevi Sadak, लुट चोक, ठमेल, Kathmandu-26, काठमाडौं, काठमाडौँ महानगरपालिका, काठमाडौं, बाग्मती प्रदेश, 20137, नेपाल

An imagery offset of 12.2 m
Imagery: bing
Created by Ro Sun on 2022-01-03
Thamel Kathmandu: Bing
Ro Sun in नेपाल: Thamel Kathmandu: Maar Imagery
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कान्ति पथ, लुट चोक, लइनचौर, Kathmandu-26, काठमाडौं, काठमाडौँ महानगरपालिका, काठमाडौं, बाग्मती प्रदेश, 20137, नेपाल

An imagery offset of 1.0 m
Created by Ro Sun on 2022-01-03
Thamel Kathmandu: Maar Imagery
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