Imagery Offset Database

Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

1st of October

Oxeelix in Éire / Ireland: Kildalkey Offset
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Kildalkey, Kildalkey ED, The Municipal District of Trim, County Meath, Leinster, Éire / Ireland

An imagery offset of 3.0 m
Imagery: bing
Created by Oxeelix on 2023-10-01
Kildalkey Offset
anastasia_ in Россия: Ковдор
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улица Сухачева, Ковдор, Ковдорский муниципальный округ, Мурманская область, Северо-Западный федеральный округ, 184143, Россия

An imagery offset of 0.0 m
Created by anastasia_ on 2023-10-01

30th of September

Andrew Chadwick in United Kingdom: Bottom of Barton near Lower Farm and the Redrow development (Bing → Cadastral Parcels)
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Barton Village Road, Barton, Oxford, Oxfordshire, England, OX3 9LB, United Kingdom

An imagery offset of 0.8 m
Imagery: bing
Created by Andrew Chadwick on 2023-09-30
Bottom of Barton near Lower Farm and the Redrow development (Bing → Cadastral Parcels)
AlaskaDave in ประเทศไทย: Wat Chang Kham
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บ้านช้างค้ำ ซอย 4, หมู่บ้านธนโชค, หนองผึ้ง, ท่าวังตาล, Saraphi District, จังหวัดเชียงใหม่, 50140, ประเทศไทย

An imagery offset of 0.4 m
Imagery: bing
Created by AlaskaDave on 2023-09-30
Wat Chang Kham

28th of September

Kilkenni in Україна: Esri: завод "Радикал"
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вулиця Вінстона Черчилля, Завод "Радикал", Лісовий масив, Деснянський район, Київ, 02122, Україна

An imagery offset of 3.6 m
Created by Kilkenni on 2023-09-28
Esri: завод "Радикал"
Frigyes06_import in Magyarország: Balatonberény
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Balaton út, Balatonberény, Marcali járás, Somogy vármegye, Dél-Dunántúl, Dunántúl, 8649, Magyarország

An imagery offset of 1.5 m
Created by Frigyes06_import on 2023-09-28

27th of September

anastasia_ in Россия: Великовечное
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Октябрьская улица, Великовечное, Великовечненское сельское поселение, Белореченский район, Краснодарский край, Южный федеральный округ, 352626, Россия

An imagery offset of 3.4 m
Created by anastasia_ on 2023-09-27
Andrew Chadwick in United Kingdom: Barton Park, Oxford, based on the large enclosed SSE substation's walls and fences, correcting Bing to Cadastral Parcels
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Barton Park, Oxford, Oxfordshire, England, OX3 9GG, United Kingdom

An imagery offset of 0.4 m
Imagery: bing
Created by Andrew Chadwick on 2023-09-27
Barton Park, Oxford, based on the large enclosed SSE substation's walls and fences, correcting Bing to Cadastral Parcels
Andrew Chadwick in United Kingdom: Bottom of Meaden Hill, Northway Estate, Oxford (Bing to Cadastral Parcels)
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Foxwell Drive, Northway, Oxford, Oxfordshire, England, OX3 9QA, United Kingdom

An imagery offset of 1.0 m
Imagery: bing
Created by Andrew Chadwick on 2023-09-27
Bottom of Meaden Hill, Northway Estate, Oxford (Bing to Cadastral Parcels)
Andrew Chadwick Andrew Chadwick in United Kingdom: Replaced with a much better and newer Bing → Cadastral Parcels offset
Cherry Tree Avenue, Barton Park, Oxford, Oxfordshire, England, OX3 9GE, United Kingdom

An imagery offset of 5.0 m
Imagery: bing
Created by Andrew Chadwick on 2020-09-06
2020-09-06 Barton Park Bing offsets based on multiple tracks

Deprecated by Andrew Chadwick on 2023-09-27
Replaced with a much better and newer Bing → Cadastral Parcels offset

26th of September

Wright One in 中国: Sai Wan Ho, Hong Kong
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筲箕灣道 Shau Kei Wan Road, 愛秩序灣 Aldrich Bay, 西灣河 Sai Wan Ho, 東區 Eastern District, 香港島 Hong Kong Island, 香港 Hong Kong, 000000, 中国

An imagery offset of 7.5 m
Created by Wright One on 2023-09-26
Sai Wan Ho, Hong Kong
Wright One in 中国: San Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
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彩虹道 Choi Hung Road, 東頭 Tung Tau, 新蒲崗 San Po Kong, 黃大仙區 Wong Tai Sin District, 九龍 Kowloon, 香港 Hong Kong, 000000, 中国

An imagery offset of 1.8 m
Created by Wright One on 2023-09-26
San Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong

24th of September

danik1988 in Oʻzbekiston: esri
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Ohangaron shossesi, Ohangaron Tumani, Toshkent Viloyati, 514111, Oʻzbekiston

An imagery offset of 1.8 m
Created by danik1988 on 2023-09-24
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