Imagery Offset Database

27th of April

aks46 in Россия: Большие Сети
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Большие Сети, Пристенский сельсовет, Пристенский район, Курская область, Центральный федеральный округ, Россия

An imagery offset of 4.8 m
Imagery: bing
Created by aks46 on 2021-04-27
Большие Сети
Ser9ei in Indonesia: Kuta (source: public GPS-tracks)
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Jalan Bypass Ngurah Rai, Tuban, Kuta, Badung, Bali, Nusa Tenggara, 80612, Indonesia

An imagery offset of 14.0 m
Created by Ser9ei on 2021-04-27
Kuta (source: public GPS-tracks)

26th of April

mani100 in Deutschland: Wiedenfelsen mittels maps4BW für Bing
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Sandstraße, Bühlertal, Landkreis Rastatt, Baden-Württemberg, 77830, Deutschland

An imagery offset of 1.0 m
Imagery: bing
Created by mani100 on 2021-04-26
Wiedenfelsen mittels maps4BW für Bing
mani100 in Deutschland: Wiedenfelsen mittels Maps4BW für Esri
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Sandstraße, Bühlertal, Landkreis Rastatt, Baden-Württemberg, 77830, Deutschland

An imagery offset of 3.8 m
Created by mani100 on 2021-04-26
Wiedenfelsen mittels Maps4BW für Esri
Anton Melnichuk in Україна: максар Іванівка
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вулиця Миру, Івановичі, Пулинська селищна громада, Житомирський район, Житомирська область, 12040, Україна

An imagery offset of 0.0 m
Created by Anton Melnichuk on 2021-04-26
максар Іванівка
mani100 in Deutschland: Bühlerhöhe mittels Maps4BW für Esri
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Konrad-Adenauer-Weg, Bühl, Vereinbarte Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Bühl, Landkreis Rastatt, Baden-Württemberg, 77815, Deutschland

An imagery offset of 0.8 m
Created by mani100 on 2021-04-26
Bühlerhöhe mittels Maps4BW für Esri
mani100 in Deutschland: Bühlerhöhe mittels Maps4BW für Bing
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Konrad-Adenaur-Weg, Bühl, Vereinbarte Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Bühl, Landkreis Rastatt, Baden-Württemberg, 77815, Deutschland

An imagery offset of 1.1 m
Imagery: bing
Created by mani100 on 2021-04-26
Bühlerhöhe mittels Maps4BW für Bing
MoiraPrime in United States: Moselle from GPS traces
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Lance Corporal Roy M Wheat Memorial Highway, Jones County, Mississippi, 39459, United States

An imagery offset of 1.5 m
Imagery: bing
Created by MoiraPrime on 2021-04-26
Moselle from GPS traces
VlIvYur in Россия: Рощино
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2-й Строительный проезд, ЖК «Виктория», Рощино, Рощинское городское поселение, Выборгский район, Ленинградская область, Северо-Западный федеральный округ, 188820, Россия

An imagery offset of 6.8 m
Created by VlIvYur on 2021-04-26

25th of April

Всевидящее око in Беларусь: Смещение для Maxar Premium, делал по нему
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вуліца Тышкевіча, Бяроза, Бярозаўскі раён, Брэсцкая вобласць, 225210, Беларусь

An imagery offset of 9.7 m
Created by Всевидящее око on 2021-04-25
Смещение для Maxar Premium, делал по нему
Aulus in Россия: Выра, большево по страве+жпс
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Сосновая улица, Выра, Рождественское сельское поселение, Гатчинский округ, Ленинградская область, Северо-Западный федеральный округ, 188356, Россия

An imagery offset of 3.9 m
Created by Aulus on 2021-04-25
Выра, большево по страве+жпс

24th of April

chlenix in Україна: ЦРЛ
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вулиця Корольова, Пулини, Пулинська селищна громада, Житомирський район, Житомирська область, 12004, Україна

An imagery offset of 119.1 m
Created by chlenix on 2021-04-24
ODnova in Україна: Maxar Premium по bing Богдана Хмельницького
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вулиця Богдана Хмельницького, Холодне, Богдана Хмельницького, Сміла, Смілянська міська громада, Черкаський район, Черкаська область, 20706, Україна

An imagery offset of 4.0 m
Created by ODnova on 2021-04-24
Maxar Premium по bing Богдана Хмельницького
Yarik32 in Україна: Рудківка
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С-060708, Заможне, Березівська сільська громада, Житомирський район, Житомирська область, 12413, Україна

An imagery offset of 7.3 m
Created by Yarik32 on 2021-04-24
Bert Araali in Kenya: Kaboole - Kenya border - Mapillary - Strava 2021
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Chebwek, Cheptais ward, Cheptais, Bungoma, Western, Kenya

A calibration polygon
Created by Bert Araali on 2021-04-24
Kaboole - Kenya border - Mapillary - Strava 2021
Yarik32 in Україна: Теньківка
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Теньківка, Курненська сільська громада, Житомирський район, Житомирська область, 12020, Україна

An imagery offset of 3.5 m
Created by Yarik32 on 2021-04-24
AlexRiabtsev in Україна: Zelena Poliana
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вулиця Шевченка, Зелена Поляна, Пулинська селищна громада, Житомирський район, Житомирська область, 12010, Україна

An imagery offset of 8.4 m
Created by AlexRiabtsev on 2021-04-24
Zelena Poliana
Stranger_I in Россия: г. Миасс, центр
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Гвардейская улица, Миасс, Миасский городской округ, Челябинская область, Уральский федеральный округ, 456300, Россия

An imagery offset of 4.9 m
Created by Stranger_I on 2021-04-24
г. Миасс, центр
AlexeyTyur in United States: Fix offset according around gpx tracks
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Prescott, Yavapai County, Arizona, 86301, United States

An imagery offset of 1.5 m
Imagery: bing
Created by AlexeyTyur on 2021-04-24
Fix offset according around gpx tracks
chlenix chlenix in Україна: не проверил
Південна вулиця, Пулини, Пулинська селищна громада, Житомирський район, Житомирська область, 12004, Україна

An imagery offset of 117.3 m
Created by chlenix on 2021-04-24
дачи юговосток

Deprecated by chlenix on 2021-04-24
не проверил
AlexeyTyur AlexeyTyur in United States: wrong
Prescott, Yavapai County, Arizona, 86301, United States

An imagery offset of 1.7 m
Imagery: bing
Created by AlexeyTyur on 2021-04-24
Fix offset according gpx tracks

Deprecated by AlexeyTyur on 2021-04-24
AlexeyTyur AlexeyTyur in United States: wrong
Prescott, Yavapai County, Arizona, 86201, United States

An imagery offset of 3.4 m
Imagery: bing
Created by AlexeyTyur on 2021-04-24
Fix offset by gpx tracks

Deprecated by AlexeyTyur on 2021-04-24
Bert Araali Bert Araali in Kenya: Outdated, offset too large (6-7m) with new Mapillary GPS tracks 2021
Chebwek, Cheptais ward, Cheptais, Bungoma, Western, Kenya

A calibration polygon
Created by Bert Araali on 2021-04-05
Kaboole Uganda - Kenya border - Mapillary / Strava

Deprecated by Bert Araali on 2021-04-24
Outdated, offset too large (6-7m) with new Mapillary GPS tracks 2021

23rd of April

pfg21 in Россия: курганинск
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Железнодорожная улица, Курганинск, Курганинское городское поселение, Курганинский район, Краснодарский край, Южный федеральный округ, 352430, Россия

An imagery offset of 9.5 m
Created by pfg21 on 2021-04-23
Rabin Ojha in नेपाल: Jajarkit
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Bheri-04, जाजरकोट, Bheri, जाजरकोट, कर्णाली प्रदेश, नेपाल

An imagery offset of 6.1 m
Created by Rabin Ojha on 2021-04-23
Popa Cristian Vlad Popa Cristian Vlad in România: nu este un offset constant
Strada Alexandru Alexandridi, Blocurile lui Mazăre, Compozitori, Constanța, Zona Metropolitană Constanța, Constanța, 900378, România

An imagery offset of 4.2 m
Created by Popa Cristian Vlad on 2021-04-23
cat de cat sa mearga cladirile

Deprecated by Popa Cristian Vlad on 2021-04-23
nu este un offset constant

22nd of April

skyper in Deutschland: Rheinweiler
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L 134, Zienken, Neuenburg am Rhein, Ballrechten-Dottingen, Landkreis Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald, Baden-Württemberg, 79395, Deutschland

An imagery offset of 11.7 m
Created by skyper on 2021-04-22
Timmy_Tesseract in Pilipinas / Philippines: Boracay
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Ambulong Street, Kipot, Manoc-Manoc, Boracay, Malay, Aklan, Western Visayas, 5608, Pilipinas / Philippines

An imagery offset of 6.3 m
Created by Timmy_Tesseract on 2021-04-22

21st of April

HLunke in Tanzania: Tanzania Development Trust: Tabora district mapping project·#1937
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Mole Mlimani, Sikonge, Tabora, Central Zone, Tanzania

An imagery offset of 0.4 m
Imagery: bing
Created by HLunke on 2021-04-21
Tanzania Development Trust: Tabora district mapping project·#1937
HLunke in Tanzania: Tanzania Development Trust: Tabora district mapping project·#2020
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Sikonge, Tabora, Central Zone, Tanzania

An imagery offset of 3.8 m
Imagery: bing
Created by HLunke on 2021-04-21
Tanzania Development Trust: Tabora district mapping project·#2020
Ser9ei in Россия: Aleksandrovskaya (source: Sergey Astakhov's orthophoto)
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Ручейный переулок, Александровская, Санкт-Петербург, Северо-Западный федеральный округ, 196631, Россия

An imagery offset of 2.5 m
Created by Ser9ei on 2021-04-21
Aleksandrovskaya (source: Sergey Astakhov's orthophoto)

20th of April

Jakesname in United States: Circuit of the Americas (Austin, TX)
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Piland Triangle, Travis County, Texas, 78617, United States

An imagery offset of 3.7 m
Imagery: bing
Created by Jakesname on 2021-04-20
Circuit of the Americas (Austin, TX)
mahau in Монгол улс ᠮᠤᠩᠭᠤᠯ ᠤᠯᠤᠰ: Gurvantes - Maxar
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Гурвантэс, Гурвантэс ᠭᠤᠷᠪᠠᠨᠲᠡᠰ, Өмнөговь ᠡᠮᠦᠨᠡᠭᠣᠪᠢ, Монгол улс ᠮᠤᠩᠭᠤᠯ ᠤᠯᠤᠰ

An imagery offset of 7.9 m
Created by mahau on 2021-04-20
Gurvantes - Maxar
Bert Araali in Uganda: Soono - Mapillary & Strava (Kenya border) calibration 2021
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Mulumba, Bugisa sub-region, Namisindwa, Eastern Region, Uganda

A calibration polygon
Created by Bert Araali on 2021-04-20
Soono - Mapillary & Strava (Kenya border) calibration 2021
Bert Araali in Uganda: Kibitinya - Mapillary & Strava GPS trace calibration 2021
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Kibitinya, Bugisa sub-region, Namisindwa, Eastern Region, Uganda

A calibration polygon
Created by Bert Araali on 2021-04-20
Kibitinya - Mapillary & Strava GPS trace calibration 2021

19th of April

Mazda05 in Россия: Maxar Premium Нальчик Кирова-Тарчокова
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Предгорный, Горная, Нальчик, городской округ Нальчик, Кабардино-Балкария, Северо-Кавказский федеральный округ, 360030, Россия

An imagery offset of 2.5 m
Created by Mazda05 on 2021-04-19
Maxar Premium Нальчик Кирова-Тарчокова
Mazda05 in Россия: Maxar Premium Нальчик Идарова-Хмельницкого-Кирова
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Завокзальный, Нальчик, городской округ Нальчик, Кабардино-Балкария, Северо-Кавказский федеральный округ, 360019, Россия

An imagery offset of 3.6 m
Created by Mazda05 on 2021-04-19
Maxar Premium Нальчик Идарова-Хмельницкого-Кирова
Matthew Newton in United Kingdom: Loughborough Maxar Premium offset primarily based on OSMUK Cadastral Parcels and confirmed with GPS data (Loughborough, Leicestershire, UK)
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Sandalwood Road, Loughborough, Charnwood, Leicestershire, England, LE11 3PR, United Kingdom

An imagery offset of 2.4 m
Created by Matthew Newton on 2021-04-19
Loughborough Maxar Premium offset primarily based on OSMUK Cadastral Parcels and confirmed with GPS data (Loughborough, Leicestershire, UK)
Matthew Newton in United Kingdom: Loughborough Bing offset primarily based on OSMUK Cadastral Parcels and confirmed with GPS data (Loughborough, Leicestershire, UK)
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Outwoods Road, Loughborough, Charnwood, Leicestershire, England, LE11 3LX, United Kingdom

An imagery offset of 2.0 m
Imagery: bing
Created by Matthew Newton on 2021-04-19
Loughborough Bing offset primarily based on OSMUK Cadastral Parcels and confirmed with GPS data (Loughborough, Leicestershire, UK)

18th of April

mike140 in Україна: Городецьке
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Центральна вулиця, Городецьке, Паланська сільська громада, Уманський район, Черкаська область, 20325, Україна

An imagery offset of 4.1 m
Created by mike140 on 2021-04-18
Shoorick in Россия: Нефтебаза
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75К-581, Чумляк, Роза, Коркинский муниципальный округ, Челябинская область, Уральский федеральный округ, 456543, Россия

An imagery offset of 3.5 m
Created by Shoorick on 2021-04-18
Shoorick in Россия: Аэродром Калачёво
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Копейский городской округ, Челябинская область, Уральский федеральный округ, 456543, Россия

An imagery offset of 13.3 m
Created by Shoorick on 2021-04-18
Аэродром Калачёво
GoodClover in United Kingdom: Preston
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School Road, Preston, East Riding of Yorkshire, England, HU12 8US, United Kingdom

An imagery offset of 1.6 m
Imagery: bing
Created by GoodClover on 2021-04-18
Shoorick in Россия: Калачёво
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75К-012, Копейский городской округ, Челябинская область, Уральский федеральный округ, 456659, Россия

An imagery offset of 18.8 m
Created by Shoorick on 2021-04-18
Iain I in Canada: South West edge of Driveway
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Lake Twintree Way SE, Bonavista Downs, Calgary, Alberta, T2J 2X6, Canada

An imagery offset of 0.0 m
Imagery: bing
Created by Iain I on 2021-04-18
South West edge of Driveway
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