Imagery Offset Database

9th of March

xmd5a in Россия: Комаровка
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Молодёжная улица, Синодское, Синодское сельское поселение, Воскресенский район, Саратовская область, Приволжский федеральный округ, Россия

An imagery offset of 21.9 m
Imagery: scanex_irs
Created by xmd5a on 2017-03-09
Peter Klofutar in Slovenija: Breginj
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Sedlo, Breginj, Kobarid, 5223, Slovenija

An imagery offset of 5.2 m
Imagery: mapbox
Created by Peter Klofutar on 2017-03-09
ThibPhil in België / Belgique / Belgien: SPW Piétrain - East
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Rue Longue, Piétrain, Jodoigne, Nivelles, Brabant wallon, Wallonie, 1370, België / Belgique / Belgien

An imagery offset of 1.5 m
Created by ThibPhil on 2017-03-09
SPW Piétrain - East
MutyAfadila in Honduras: La Abiscinia
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Tocoa, Colón, 32301, Honduras

An imagery offset of 0.0 m
Imagery: bing
Created by MutyAfadila on 2017-03-09
La Abiscinia
aks46 in Россия: Никольское
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Никольское, Тазовский сельсовет, Золотухинский район, Курская область, Центральный федеральный округ, Россия

An imagery offset of 6.2 m
Imagery: bing
Created by aks46 on 2017-03-09
silviasdw in Honduras: imagery offset
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RN-39, Bonito Oriental, Colón, Honduras

An imagery offset of 2.2 m
Created by silviasdw on 2017-03-09
imagery offset
silviasdw in Honduras: imagery offset
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Bonito Oriental, Colón, Honduras

An imagery offset of 1.8 m
Created by silviasdw on 2017-03-09
imagery offset
silviasdw in Honduras: imagery offset
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CA-13, Corocito, Bonito Oriental, Honduras

An imagery offset of 5.9 m
Created by silviasdw on 2017-03-09
imagery offset

8th of March

ThibPhil in België / Belgique / Belgien: PICC Piétrain - center
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Rue du Pouilly, Piétrain, Jodoigne, Nivelles, Brabant wallon, Wallonie, 1370, België / Belgique / Belgien

An imagery offset of 2.2 m
Created by ThibPhil on 2017-03-08
PICC Piétrain - center
silviasdw in Honduras: imagery offset
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Chapagua, Trujillo, Honduras

An imagery offset of 5.2 m
Created by silviasdw on 2017-03-08
imagery offset
udarnyk in Україна: Зимний Бинг. Купель. 07.03.2017
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Р-48, Купіль, Війтовецька селищна громада, Хмельницький район, Хмельницька область, 31226, Україна

An imagery offset of 1.0 m
Imagery: bing
Created by udarnyk on 2017-03-08
Зимний Бинг. Купель. 07.03.2017

7th of March

pfg21 in Россия: Великовское
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Великовское, Лысковский муниципальный округ, Нижегородская область, Приволжский федеральный округ, 606224, Россия

An imagery offset of 5.2 m
Imagery: mapbox
Created by pfg21 on 2017-03-07
Piskvor in République démocratique du Congo: map offset around Goma
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RN2, Mugunga, Karisimbi, Goma, Nord-Kivu, République démocratique du Congo

An imagery offset of 5.3 m
Created by Piskvor on 2017-03-07
map offset around Goma
aks46 in Россия: Оклино и развязка
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Родительское, Дмитриевский сельсовет, Золотухинский район, Курская область, Центральный федеральный округ, Россия

An imagery offset of 3.5 m
Imagery: mapbox
Created by aks46 on 2017-03-07
Оклино и развязка
aks46 in Россия: Боево
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2-е Конево, Дмитриевский сельсовет, Золотухинский район, Курская область, Центральный федеральный округ, Россия

An imagery offset of 3.7 m
Imagery: mapbox
Created by aks46 on 2017-03-07
aks46 in Россия: Боево
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1-е Боево, Дмитриевский сельсовет, Золотухинский район, Курская область, Центральный федеральный округ, Россия

An imagery offset of 3.1 m
Imagery: mapbox
Created by aks46 on 2017-03-07
mfuji in 日本: 上高尾交差点付近
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前橋安中富岡線, 上高尾, 富岡市, 群馬県, 370-2316, 日本

An imagery offset of 2.9 m
Imagery: bing
Created by mfuji on 2017-03-07
silviasdw in Honduras: imagery offset
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Tocoa, Colón, Honduras

An imagery offset of 9.3 m
Created by silviasdw on 2017-03-07
imagery offset

6th of March

mfuji in 日本: 下町交差点付近
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例幣使街道, 台新田町, 高崎市, 群馬県, 370-1201, 日本

An imagery offset of 4.2 m
Imagery: bing
Created by mfuji on 2017-03-06
mfuji in 日本: 新柳瀬橋北交差点付近
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倉賀野バイパス, 東中里町, 高崎市, 群馬県, 370-1201, 日本

An imagery offset of 4.5 m
Imagery: bing
Created by mfuji on 2017-03-06
ThibPhil in België / Belgique / Belgien: SPW - Chaumont - Ronveau area
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Rue des Vignes, Pré Delcourt, Chaumont-Gistoux, Nivelles, Brabant wallon, Wallonie, 1325, België / Belgique / Belgien

An imagery offset of 2.5 m
Created by ThibPhil on 2017-03-06
SPW - Chaumont - Ronveau area
Andre68 in Deutschland: Weener
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Norderstraße, Weener, Landkreis Leer, Niedersachsen, 26826, Deutschland

An imagery offset of 1.1 m
Imagery: bing
Created by Andre68 on 2017-03-06
silviasdw in Honduras: imagery offset
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La Ceibita, Tocoa, Colón, 32301, Honduras

An imagery offset of 0.3 m
Created by silviasdw on 2017-03-06
imagery offset
mfuji in 日本: 太田合同庁舎東交差点
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太田大間々線, 藤阿久町, 太田市, 群馬県, 373-0033, 日本

An imagery offset of 1.4 m
Imagery: bing
Created by mfuji on 2017-03-06
mfuji in 日本: 東本町交差点
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前橋館林線, 東本町, 太田市, 群馬県, 373-0026, 日本

An imagery offset of 4.2 m
Imagery: bing
Created by mfuji on 2017-03-06
mfuji in 日本: 竜舞交差点
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前橋館林線, 龍舞町, 太田市, 群馬県, 373-0808, 日本

An imagery offset of 1.4 m
Imagery: bing
Created by mfuji on 2017-03-06
mfuji in 日本: 清掃センター入口交差点付近
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藤阿久町, 太田市, 群馬県, 373-0033, 日本

An imagery offset of 2.5 m
Imagery: bing
Created by mfuji on 2017-03-06
mfuji in 日本: 藤阿久北交差点付近
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前橋館林線, 藤阿久町, 太田市, 群馬県, 373-0034, 日本

An imagery offset of 1.8 m
Imagery: bing
Created by mfuji on 2017-03-06
mfuji in 日本: 太田警察署北交差点
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鳥山竜舞線, 鳥山下町, 太田市, 群馬県, 373-0034, 日本

An imagery offset of 1.3 m
Imagery: bing
Created by mfuji on 2017-03-06
silviasdw in Honduras: imagery offset
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Tocoa, Colón, 32301, Honduras

An imagery offset of 11.1 m
Created by silviasdw on 2017-03-06
imagery offset
battarsa, in San Marino: Rotonda Dogana
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Via Ca' Ragni, Cà Ragni, Dogana, Serravalle, 47899, San Marino

An imagery offset of 4.0 m
Imagery: bing
Created by battarsa, on 2017-03-06
Rotonda Dogana
mfuji mfuji in 日本: オフセットがずれていた
前橋館林線, 東本町, 太田市, 群馬県, 373-0026, 日本

An imagery offset of 1.6 m
Imagery: bing
Created by mfuji on 2017-02-28

Deprecated by mfuji on 2017-03-06

5th of March

mfuji in 日本: 藪塚交差点付近
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太田大間々線, 藪塚町, 太田市, 群馬県, 379-2304, 日本

An imagery offset of 3.5 m
Imagery: bing
Created by mfuji on 2017-03-05
mfuji in 日本: 阿左美下原交差点付近
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桐生伊勢崎線, みどり市, 群馬県, 379-2304, 日本

An imagery offset of 2.8 m
Imagery: bing
Created by mfuji on 2017-03-05
mfuji in 日本: 新田中江田町交差点付近
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例幣使街道, 小角田町, 太田市, 群馬県, 370-0426, 日本

An imagery offset of 5.1 m
Imagery: bing
Created by mfuji on 2017-03-05
mfuji in 日本: 新田金井十字路付近
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前橋館林線, 新田金井町, 太田市, 群馬県, 370-0341, 日本

An imagery offset of 0.8 m
Imagery: bing
Created by mfuji on 2017-03-05
mfuji in 日本: 新田嘉祢町交差点付近
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足利伊勢崎線, 新田溜池町, 太田市, 群馬県, 370-0341, 日本

An imagery offset of 3.4 m
Imagery: bing
Created by mfuji on 2017-03-05
mfuji in 日本: 大原上交差点付近
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桐生伊勢崎線, 太田市, 群馬県, 379-2304, 日本

An imagery offset of 4.9 m
Imagery: bing
Created by mfuji on 2017-03-05
Anakil in België / Belgique / Belgien: Chaumont_ronvau
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Avenue du Ronvau, Pré Delcourt, Chaumont, Chaumont-Gistoux, Nivelles, Brabant wallon, Wallonie, 1325, België / Belgique / Belgien

An imagery offset of 3.0 m
Created by Anakil on 2017-03-05
Anakil in België / Belgique / Belgien: Chaumont_rue_bovrée
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Rue des Bovrées, Pré Delcourt, Chaumont-Gistoux, Nivelles, Brabant wallon, Wallonie, 1325, België / Belgique / Belgien

An imagery offset of 2.0 m
Created by Anakil on 2017-03-05
Anakil in België / Belgique / Belgien: Chaumont_rue_florerémond
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Rue Florémond, Pré Delcourt, Chaumont-Gistoux, Nivelles, Brabant wallon, Wallonie, 1325, België / Belgique / Belgien

An imagery offset of 1.7 m
Created by Anakil on 2017-03-05
Anakil in België / Belgique / Belgien: Chaumont_Total_gas_station
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Rue Croisette, Somville, Chaumont-Gistoux, Nivelles, Brabant wallon, Wallonie, 1325, België / Belgique / Belgien

An imagery offset of 0.8 m
Created by Anakil on 2017-03-05
Anakil in België / Belgique / Belgien: Gistoux_Maison_communale
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Rue Colleau, Les Bruyères, Chaumont-Gistoux, Nivelles, Brabant wallon, Wallonie, 1325, België / Belgique / Belgien

An imagery offset of 1.4 m
Created by Anakil on 2017-03-05
Anakil in België / Belgique / Belgien: Chaumont_AD_Delhaize
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Rue Jean Martin, Somville, Chaumont-Gistoux, Nivelles, Brabant wallon, Wallonie, 1325, België / Belgique / Belgien

An imagery offset of 0.9 m
Created by Anakil on 2017-03-05
mfuji in 日本: 上武大橋(南)交差点
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深谷市, 埼玉県, 370-0426, 日本

An imagery offset of 4.5 m
Imagery: bing
Created by mfuji on 2017-03-05
mfuji in 日本: 伊勢崎市境島村
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中瀬牧西線, 伊勢崎市, 群馬県, 367-0011, 日本

An imagery offset of 5.5 m
Imagery: bing
Created by mfuji on 2017-03-05
John Berkers in Australia: 2017-03 Cranbourne West
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Quarters Boulevard, Quarters Cranbourne, Cranbourne West, Melbourne, City of Casey, Victoria, 3977, Australia

An imagery offset of 1.7 m
Imagery: bing
Created by John Berkers on 2017-03-05
2017-03 Cranbourne West
udarnyk in Україна: Летний Бинг. Купище. 05.03.2017
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Р-49, Велень, Купище, Ушомирська сільська громада, Коростенський район, Житомирська область, 11552, Україна

An imagery offset of 3.3 m
Imagery: bing
Created by udarnyk on 2017-03-05
Летний Бинг. Купище. 05.03.2017
mfuji mfuji in 日本: 古いオフセット
阿左美桐生線, 笠懸町阿左美, みどり市, 群馬県, 279-2313, 日本

An imagery offset of 6.5 m
Imagery: bing
Created by mfuji on 2016-08-07

Deprecated by mfuji on 2017-03-05
mfuji mfuji in 日本: 古いオフセット
桐生伊勢崎線, みどり市, 群馬県, 379-2304, 日本

An imagery offset of 6.5 m
Imagery: bing
Created by mfuji on 2015-09-05
みどり市・桐生大学付近 (Bing 2012)

Deprecated by mfuji on 2017-03-05
mfuji mfuji in 日本: 古いオフセット
境中島, 伊勢崎市, 群馬県, 367-0011, 日本

An imagery offset of 5.8 m
Imagery: bing
Created by mfuji on 2015-02-10
伊勢崎市境島村 (Bing 2012)

Deprecated by mfuji on 2017-03-05
mfuji mfuji in 日本: 古いオフセット
足利伊勢崎線, 石橋町, 太田市, 群馬県, 373-0038, 日本

An imagery offset of 2.8 m
Imagery: bing
Created by mfuji on 2014-05-11

Deprecated by mfuji on 2017-03-05

4th of March

mfuji in 日本: 北高崎駅付近
Filter by author, area
渋川街道, 大橋町, 高崎市, 群馬県, 370-0807, 日本

An imagery offset of 5.6 m
Imagery: bing
Created by mfuji on 2017-03-04
xmd5a in Россия: Елшанка-Усовка
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Советская улица, Елшанское сельское поселение, Воскресенский район, Саратовская область, Приволжский федеральный округ, 413041, Россия

An imagery offset of 22.0 m
Imagery: scanex_irs
Created by xmd5a on 2017-03-04
Peter Klofutar in Slovenija: Kobarid
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Trg svobode, Mlinsko, Kobarid, 5222, Slovenija

An imagery offset of 4.5 m
Imagery: mapbox
Created by Peter Klofutar on 2017-03-04
razor74 in România: Pitesti
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Strada Valea Ursului, Valea Ursului, Bascov, Argeș, 117053, România

An imagery offset of 2.3 m
Imagery: bing
Created by razor74 on 2017-03-04

3rd of March

mfuji in 日本: 小坂子交差点付近
Filter by author, area
松井田下仁田線, 下仁田町, 甘楽郡, 群馬県, 370-2601, 日本

An imagery offset of 4.3 m
Imagery: bing
Created by mfuji on 2017-03-03
ThibPhil in België / Belgique / Belgien: PICC - Chaumont North
Filter by author, area
Rue des Bruyères, Pré Delcourt, Chaumont, Chaumont-Gistoux, Nivelles, Brabant wallon, Wallonie, 1325, België / Belgique / Belgien

An imagery offset of 2.0 m
Created by ThibPhil on 2017-03-03
PICC - Chaumont North
ThibPhil in België / Belgique / Belgien: SPW Chaumont - North
Filter by author, area
Rue des Bruyères, Pré Delcourt, Chaumont, Chaumont-Gistoux, Nivelles, Brabant wallon, Wallonie, 1325, België / Belgique / Belgien

An imagery offset of 3.1 m
Created by ThibPhil on 2017-03-03
SPW Chaumont - North
mfuji in 日本: 北山交差点付近
Filter by author, area
一ノ宮妙義線, 妙義町上高田, 富岡市, 群馬県, 379-0224, 日本

An imagery offset of 2.9 m
Imagery: bing
Created by mfuji on 2017-03-03
mfuji in 日本: 松井田IC入口交差点
Filter by author, area
安中市, 群馬県, 379-0209, 日本

An imagery offset of 4.3 m
Imagery: bing
Created by mfuji on 2017-03-03
mfuji in 日本: 八城交差点
Filter by author, area
松井田下仁田線, 松井田町八城, 安中市, 群馬県, 379-0224, 日本

An imagery offset of 5.3 m
Imagery: bing
Created by mfuji on 2017-03-03
lcat in Россия: Сосновка
Filter by author, area
Интернациональная улица, Сосновка, Сосновский поссовет, Сосновский район, Тамбовская область, Центральный федеральный округ, Россия

An imagery offset of 2.7 m
Imagery: mapbox
Created by lcat on 2017-03-03
Silent7 in Россия: Р243, Макарьев-Островский, ~0.5км от р.Желвата. Тайл 17/81093/39611, даты нет, снимок зимний
Filter by author, area
Р-243, Вёшкинское сельское поселение, Островский муниципальный округ, Костромская область, Центральный федеральный округ, 157980, Россия

An imagery offset of 0.2 m
Imagery: mapbox
Created by Silent7 on 2017-03-03
Р243, Макарьев-Островский, ~0.5км от р.Желвата. Тайл 17/81093/39611, даты нет, снимок зимний
mfuji mfuji in 日本: 古いオフセット
松井田下仁田線, 松井田町八城, 安中市, 群馬県, 379-0209, 日本

An imagery offset of 0.8 m
Imagery: bing
Created by mfuji on 2016-08-10

Deprecated by mfuji on 2017-03-03

2nd of March

mfuji in 日本: 大渡町交差点付近
Filter by author, area
前橋安中富岡線, 石倉町五丁目, 前橋市, 群馬県, 371-0854, 日本

An imagery offset of 1.6 m
Imagery: bing
Created by mfuji on 2017-03-02
mfuji in 日本: 大渡橋西詰交差点付近
Filter by author, area
前橋箕郷線, 総社町二丁目, 前橋市, 群馬県, 371-0851, 日本

An imagery offset of 1.3 m
Imagery: bing
Created by mfuji on 2017-03-02
mfuji in 日本: 群馬総社駅付近
Filter by author, area
前橋伊香保線, 総社町高井, 前橋市, 群馬県, 371-0851, 日本

An imagery offset of 1.5 m
Imagery: bing
Created by mfuji on 2017-03-02
mfuji in 日本: 田口町交差点
Filter by author, area
田口町, 前橋市, 群馬県, 371-0056, 日本

An imagery offset of 3.5 m
Imagery: bing
Created by mfuji on 2017-03-02
mfuji in 日本: 時沢交差点付近
Filter by author, area
四ツ塚原之郷前橋線, 勝沢町, 前橋市, 群馬県, 371-0056, 日本

An imagery offset of 3.5 m
Imagery: bing
Created by mfuji on 2017-03-02
mfuji in 日本: 小坂子町交差点付近
Filter by author, area
四ツ塚原之郷前橋線, 高花台一丁目, 前橋市, 群馬県, 371-0023, 日本

An imagery offset of 4.6 m
Imagery: bing
Created by mfuji on 2017-03-02
Silent7 in Россия: Р243, Макарьев-Островский, дорога на Химзавод. Тайл 17/81110/39611, даты нет, снимок зимний
Filter by author, area
Р-243, Вёшкинское сельское поселение, Кадыйский район, Костромская область, Центральный федеральный округ, 157980, Россия

An imagery offset of 0.2 m
Imagery: mapbox
Created by Silent7 on 2017-03-02
Р243, Макарьев-Островский, дорога на Химзавод. Тайл 17/81110/39611, даты нет, снимок зимний
Silent7 in Россия: Р243, Макарьев-Островский, дорога в с.Котлово. Тайл 17/81149/39616, даты нет, снимок зимний
Filter by author, area
Р-243, Вёшкинское сельское поселение, Кадыйский район, Костромская область, Центральный федеральный округ, 157980, Россия

An imagery offset of 0.9 m
Imagery: mapbox
Created by Silent7 on 2017-03-02
Р243, Макарьев-Островский, дорога в с.Котлово. Тайл 17/81149/39616, даты нет, снимок зимний
aks46 in Россия: Борисовка, Николаевка, Октябрьский
Filter by author, area
38Н-433, Городенск, Городенский сельсовет, Льговский район, Курская область, Центральный федеральный округ, Россия

An imagery offset of 3.6 m
Imagery: mapbox
Created by aks46 on 2017-03-02
Борисовка, Николаевка, Октябрьский
silviasdw in Honduras: imagery offset
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Sonaguera, Colón, Honduras

An imagery offset of 0.9 m
Created by silviasdw on 2017-03-02
imagery offset
silviasdw in Honduras: imagery offset
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Santa Fe, Colón, Honduras

An imagery offset of 4.1 m
Created by silviasdw on 2017-03-02
imagery offset
silviasdw in Honduras: imagery offset
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Bambú, Balfate, Colón, Honduras

An imagery offset of 2.3 m
Created by silviasdw on 2017-03-02
imagery offset
niklas.p.henriksson, in Sverige: Kramfors after GPS tags
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Järnvägsgatan, Jättesta, Kramfors, Gudmundrå distrikt, Kramfors kommun, Västernorrlands län, 872 24, Sverige

An imagery offset of 2.9 m
Imagery: mapbox
Created by niklas.p.henriksson, on 2017-03-02
Kramfors after GPS tags
niklas.p.henriksson, in Sverige: made mistake.
Industrivägen, Öd, Kolbacken, Kramfors, Gudmundrå distrikt, Kramfors kommun, Västernorrlands län, 872 31, Sverige

An imagery offset of 8.6 m
Imagery: mapbox
Created by niklas.p.henriksson, on 2017-03-02
Kramfors offset

Deprecated by on 2017-03-02
made mistake.
mfuji mfuji in 日本: 古いオフセット
大間々世良田線, みどり市, 群馬県, 376-0101, 日本

An imagery offset of 6.8 m
Imagery: bing
Created by mfuji on 2016-01-08

Deprecated by mfuji on 2017-03-02
mfuji mfuji in 日本: 古いオフセット
嶺町, 前橋市, 群馬県, 371-0101, 日本

An imagery offset of 2.3 m
Imagery: bing
Created by mfuji on 2014-11-27
前橋市小坂子町・峰公園付近 (Bing 2013)

Deprecated by mfuji on 2017-03-02

1st of March

mfuji in 日本: 流通団地東交差点
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境木島大間々線, 東町, 伊勢崎市, 群馬県, 379-2222, 日本

An imagery offset of 3.1 m
Imagery: bing
Created by mfuji on 2017-03-01
mfuji in 日本: 境木島三差路交差点
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伊勢崎深谷線, 境木島, 伊勢崎市, 群馬県, 370-0111, 日本

An imagery offset of 5.6 m
Imagery: bing
Created by mfuji on 2017-03-01
mfuji in 日本: 大間々6丁目交差点
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東国文化歴史街道, 大間々町大間々, みどり市, 群馬県, 376-0113, 日本

An imagery offset of 5.2 m
Imagery: bing
Created by mfuji on 2017-03-01
mfuji in 日本: 桐生市・相生町2丁目交差点
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東国文化歴史街道, 相生町二丁目, 桐生市, 群馬県, 376-0013, 日本

An imagery offset of 5.2 m
Imagery: bing
Created by mfuji on 2017-03-01
mfuji in 日本: 伊勢崎市・田中町南交差点
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東毛広域幹線道路, 阿弥大寺町, 伊勢崎市, 群馬県, 372-0815, 日本

An imagery offset of 6.0 m
Imagery: bing
Created by mfuji on 2017-03-01
mfuji in 日本: 伊勢崎市・一般県道駒形柴町線交差点
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旧前橋館林線, 宮子町, 伊勢崎市, 群馬県, 372-0801, 日本

An imagery offset of 3.9 m
Imagery: bing
Created by mfuji on 2017-03-01
EivindWAA_import in Norge: Revøysunds Bru - N50
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Revøyveien, Revøy indre, Korshamn, Lyngdal, Agder, 4586, Norge

An imagery offset of 2.0 m
Imagery: mapbox
Created by EivindWAA_import on 2017-03-01
Revøysunds Bru - N50
misht in ประเทศไทย: Surin (gpx)
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หาดสุรินทร์, บ้านบางเทา, ตำบลเชิงทะเล, ศรีสุนทร, อำเภอถลาง, จังหวัดภูเก็ต, ประเทศไทย

An imagery offset of 4.0 m
Imagery: bing
Created by misht on 2017-03-01
Surin (gpx)
silviasdw in Honduras: imagery offset
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Trujillo, Colón, Honduras

An imagery offset of 1.7 m
Created by silviasdw on 2017-03-01
imagery offset
silviasdw in Honduras: imagery offset
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Santa Fe, Colón, Honduras

An imagery offset of 7.9 m
Created by silviasdw on 2017-03-01
imagery offset
silviasdw in Honduras: imagery offset
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Santa Fe, Colón, Honduras

An imagery offset of 3.4 m
Created by silviasdw on 2017-03-01
imagery offset
mfuji in 日本: 足利市・南大町交差点付近
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足利太田線, 南大町, 足利市, 栃木県, 326-0836, 日本

An imagery offset of 3.0 m
Imagery: bing
Created by mfuji on 2017-03-01
silviasdw in Honduras: imagery offset
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Santa Fe, Colón, Honduras

An imagery offset of 15.4 m
Created by silviasdw on 2017-03-01
imagery offset
silviasdw in Honduras: imagery offset
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Santa Fe, Colón, Honduras

An imagery offset of 6.7 m
Created by silviasdw on 2017-03-01
imagery offset
anisa berliana in Honduras: imagery offset
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Balfate, Colón, Honduras

An imagery offset of 5.5 m
Created by anisa berliana on 2017-03-01
imagery offset
silviasdw in Honduras: imagery offset
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Los Cayos, Santa Fe, Colón, Honduras

An imagery offset of 7.4 m
Created by silviasdw on 2017-03-01
imagery offset
silviasdw in Honduras: imagery offset
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RV-906, Trujillo, Colón, Honduras

An imagery offset of 1.9 m
Created by silviasdw on 2017-03-01
imagery offset
silviasdw in Honduras: imagery offset
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Puercales, Betulia, Santa Fe, Colón, Honduras

An imagery offset of 5.7 m
Created by silviasdw on 2017-03-01
imagery offset
silviasdw in Honduras: imagery offset
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Punta Gorda, Santa Fe, Colón, Honduras

An imagery offset of 5.4 m
Created by silviasdw on 2017-03-01
imagery offset
silviasdw in Honduras: imagery offset
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El Coco, Trujillo, Colón, Honduras

An imagery offset of 4.4 m
Created by silviasdw on 2017-03-01
imagery offset
mfuji in 日本: 太田市・只上交差点付近
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桐生バイパス, 只上町, 太田市, 群馬県, 373-0011, 日本

An imagery offset of 1.5 m
Imagery: bing
Created by mfuji on 2017-03-01
anisa berliana in Honduras: near santa fe
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Puercales, Betulia, Santa Fe, Colón, Honduras

An imagery offset of 5.8 m
Created by anisa berliana on 2017-03-01
near santa fe
silviasdw in Honduras: imagery offset
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Balfate, Colón, Honduras

An imagery offset of 10.6 m
Created by silviasdw on 2017-03-01
imagery offset
mfuji mfuji in 日本: 古いオフセット
桐生伊勢崎線, 広沢町二丁目, 桐生市, 群馬県, 376-0013, 日本

An imagery offset of 1.7 m
Imagery: bing
Created by mfuji on 2015-09-05
桐生市・広沢町一丁目交差点 (Bing 2012)

Deprecated by mfuji on 2017-03-01
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